a few things: the salt life

Monday, July 22, 2013
For some reason I am incapable of getting A Few Things posts up more than an hour before it is no longer the weekend. This is a problem. Or maybe it's endearing?

As I have mentioned in recent posts, my sister and her family came down for a couple of weeks to get in some summer fun. I got to take the niblets out to the plantation to play with the horses. Their mixture of fear and excitement was precious. I also took my nieces to get froyo. You know how much I love my froyo. They thought it was the greatest thing ever! Froyo + a Disney movie playing on the giant tv left them fairly mesmerized.
During their visit my brother-in-law spent a considerable amount of time fishing. I went outside and found a hammerhead shark flopped on top of our brick wall. 

This weekend marked the beginning of the Water Festival that takes over downtown. All kinds of shenanigans take place. It's a salt lifers dream. 
I went wandering around the festival with my parents. My mom and I are talkers. We like meeting people and chatting with them. My poor father ended up kicking back against someone's car while we became besties with a painter showcasing his work at the festival.

In other events..
Melyssa from The Nectar Collective featured me in one of her posts! Here. She is such a sweetheart. Thank you Melyssa!
Also, I came across a lovely weekend linkup hosted by Laila from Townhouse Palette. It is a lovely little linkup. Stop by and leave Laila some love. I know she will appreciate it!

What shenanigans did you get into this past week?
I hope you all had a beautiful weekend!

P.S. Be sure to stop by these linkups today!

 The Collective  on Peacoats and Plaid
 Funday Monday on Lipgloss and Crayons
  Monday Mingling on One Haole Girl 
Weekend Shenanigans  on Sami's Shenanigans

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