the bucket list

Saturday, July 27, 2013
I have always wanted to have a bucket list. I am not the most adventurous person, but I think a portion of the points on my list would have some kind of danger involved. I was chatting with a friend the other night about this. Said friend actually has a bucket list, and a stinking good one at that.
I was going through some old notebooks yesterday and I happened upon my bucket list. I honestly had completely forgotten that I had ever written that list. I was surprised as I read through it. That danger involved assessment was spot on.

I think bucket lists are great! And I love hearing what others would put or have put on their bucket lists. You can learn a lot about a person by what they valued enough to put on the list. My list is not particularly long, but I intend to add to it along the way.

Since we're besties, I thought that I would share my bucket list with you! Some things are silly. Some are serious. But hey, that's what keeps things interesting. I was able to cross some of the points off, so I'm already making progress! Here we go. Have fun..

• Visit all seven continents 

• Go to Hawaii

• Learn basic Russian

• Own a gun metal gray Tacoma ( because I am small and that would fit me perfectly)

• Go to the Mall of America

• Attend at least one semester on my college's campus

• Swim with dolphins

• Road trip across the U. S.

• Go heli skiing

• Ride an elephant 

• Learn to surf ( get past my fear of the ocean first )

• Eat a corn dog
who hasn't eaten a corn dog in their life!? 

 Own a beach house

• Sleep in a castle

• Ride in a hot air balloon 

• Ride on the world's largest ferris wheel

• Watch turtles hatch and scurry for the ocean

There is a taste of what is on my bucket list so far. I get to cross off Hawaii in exactly thirty-two days! YAY!! I have to admit, I almost left the corn dog one out, but, that is kind of funny. I think some more serious points will find their way onto that list now that I am a few years older.

What about you, what would be on your bucket list?
Have a fantastic Saturday, friends!

P. S. Go linkup on Katie Did What and share what you're currently loving!

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